les impacts business du Brexit pour l'Europe
1 hour to understand... how Brexit affects trade operations with European Countries
Brexit means European companies exporting to the UK will need to comply with new border procedures that will be implemented in October. Are supply chain operations and physical infrastructures ready ? How does Brexit impact direct-to-consumer shopping ?... Many questions that will be addressed by James WALTON, Chief Economist IGD* during our webconference.
James WALTON will focus on how to prepare for the next 2 measures that will affect the agrifood business in October 2021 and January 2022. He will also give an overview on where to find information and practical guidance. And, last but not least, he will propose to imagine business with the UK in the long run.
Useful information
- Monday the 22nd of March, 5 PM to 6 PM CET (Paris Time), 4 PM to 5 PM UTC (London time).
- Free webconference in English, organized by l’Institut du Commerce with the strong support of our friends from IGD.
- Open to all companies, members or non members of the Institut du Commerce and to the whole ECR Community members.
- Register for free until the 22nd of March at noon. Registered participants will receive their personal connexion details prior to the conference
- Having problem registering in French? Please send an email to emilie.chalvignac@institutducommerce.org
About IGD
*IGD is an organisation of two interconnected communities. The profits from Commercial Insight are reinvested into Social Impact, which together work to drive change that makes a tangible difference for society, business and the individual. Social Impact from IGD is delivered in four key areas: People, Health, Sustainability and Economics. In Economics, James Walton helps food and consumer goods companies, big and small, understand the big picture by delivering free analysis of the of the latest economic and socio-economic trends, the policy landscape, and its impact on shoppers, to help organisations make sense of the external influences on our industry. |
1 heure pour comprendre... les impacts business du Brexit pour l'Europe
Avec l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord commercial post Brexit, les pays européens qui exportent vers le Royaume-Uni devront se conformer prochainement à de nouvelles procédures aux frontières. Les supply chain et les infrastructures physiques sont-elles prêtes? Comment le Brexit impacte les achats directs aux consommateurs?... James Walton, Chief Economist de IGD nous donnera des clés pour se préparer aux deux prochaines mesures qui toucheront le secteur agro-alimentaire en octobre 2021 et en janvier 2022.
Informations pratiques
- Lundi 22 mars 2021 17h à 18h CET (Paris Time), 16h à 17h UTC (London time).
- Webconférence gratuite organisée par l’Institut du Commerce avec nos amis britaniques d'IGD.
- Ouvert à toutes les sociétés, adhérentes ou non de l'Institut du Commerce, et aux membres d'ECR Community
- Inscription obligatoire, les inscriptions seront closes à midi le jour de la conférence
- Les participants enregistrés recevront un code personnel avec les détails de connexion avant la webconférence