Better prepare together the future of retail

Since 2017, the Institute of Commerce manages the ECR initiative (Efficient Consumer Response) in France.
The association supports its members (manufacturers, retailers and service providers) to work together to better fulfill the consumers’ needs. More precisely, it provides them with the perfect framework to build collectively tomorrow’s businesses thanks to a better understanding of the deep changes occurring for the shopper, the supply chain and the retail (data, environment, technology…).
Institute of Commerce is the unique and recognized French platform within which all players, small and big manufacturers, retailers and service providers can work together to better fulfil consumers’ expectation
Institute of Commerce combines since 2017 the best of the 3 industry associations that it unites : ECR, IFLS and IFM.
Its mission is to actively support its members needs to collectively build increased efficiency in a deeply changing retail environment, by better understanding consumer behaviours and their impact on the manufacturer-retailer relationship.
Our activities are based on the ECR approach of “working together to fulfil consumer needs, better faster and in a sustainable way”
Each member company is free to implement the best practices and adapt them according to their systems and organisation